

El centro de Rehabilitación representa una excelente opción en la atención de los siguientes problemas que suelen afectar el sistema muscoesquelético.

* Accidentes de trabajo
Work Accidents
* Accidentes por la practica de Deporte
Sports related injuries
* Dolores de cuello
Neck Pain
* Dolores de columna
Back Pain
* Dolores musculares
Muscle Pain
* Dolores articulares
Joints Pain
* Dolor bajo de espalda
Lower Back Pain
* Hombro doloroso
Shoulder Pain
* Paralisi Facial
Facial Paralysis
* Rehabilitación de fracturas
Rehabilitation in fractures
* Artritis
* Reumatismo
* Tratamiento de pie plano
Flatfoot´s Treatment


Es un tratamiento no quirúrgico y no invasivo que ayuda para la rehabilitación de Columna, Rodill, Hombro, Cadera, Codo y Manos.

Si usted ha escuchado las palabras: ¨Acostúmbrese a vivir con dolor¨.
Si su única alternativa es una cirugía mayor para mejorar su dolor, usted es un candidato a este tratamiento. Desarrollado desde 1996, en Alemania por el Dr. Richard Markoll, médico y físico.
Actualmente esta tecnología está presente en más de 250 centros y tratando a más de 10,000 personas al mes.
El dolor originado en músculos, articulaciones y tendones, agudo o crónico, pero en especial el difícil de tratar, tiene ahora esta nueva opción, sin utilizar agujas, medicamentos o cirugías. Este tratamiento se aplica con un sistema de anillos que mediante avanzada tecnología genera una señal pulsátil proveniente de un campo electromagnético -como la resonancia magnética- esta señal imita a la señal biológica o natural, que produce una activación celular para regenerar o reconstruir los tejidos afectados, aliviando así el problema doloroso. Existe también, en Estados Unidos, desde 1980, un equipo similar para la regeneración de hueso.


  • Dolor crónico
  • Dolor en columna vertebral (espalda, cuello)
  • Problemas degenerativos de cadera, rodillas y hombros (osteoartritis o desgaste)
  • Lesiones del cartílogo en caderas y rodilla (condromalacia)
  • Tendinitis (Inflamación de tendones)
  • Bursitis, capsulitis.
  • Síndrome túnel carpiano
  • Problema de hombro (pellizcamiento, manguito rotador)
  • Hernias de disco
  • Lesiones agudas y crónicas del deporte
  • Osteoartritis en manos
  • Lesiones por estrés repetitivo
  • Dolores musculares

Si a pesar de múltiples tratamientos, continúa con dolor, usted puede mejorar con la Terapia de Séñales Púlsatiles.
Evite ademas gastritis, colitis, alergias y los inconvenientes de una cirugía.
Estudios en la Universidad de Yale, Múnich y British Columbia demostraron si eficacia.

Una buena función del Sistema musculoarticular es necesaria para tener mejor calidad de vida.
Revierta los efectos que causan la edad, las lesiones antiguas y el uso excesivo de los músculos, articulaciones y tendones.


What is Pulsed Signal Therapy?
Pulsed Signal Therapy, or PST, is an exciting, non-invasive medical technology used to treat arthritis, sports-type injuries, and repetitive stress injuries. The technology produces an electromagnetic field through which a pulsed signal is directed to the affected area, stimulating the healing process.

What are "pulsed signals"?
These are electrical signals with a fixed structure and form which are repeated at specific intervals.

Is PST the same as magnetic field therapy?
No, unlike magnetic field therapy, with PST the magnetic field only serves as the "carrier" for the electrically pulsed signals. The magnetic field allows these signals to penetrate the injury unchanged. Without the magnetic field, the pulsating signals would be distorted by varying density of the surrounding tissue.

Is the therapy painful?
No, it is totally non-invasive and most patients find it to be pain-free. The treatment is provided in a relaxed atmosphere with the patient fully clothed. Patients may sometimes feel a slight tingling or sensation of warmth in the area being treated. Some patients may temporarily experience a slight increase in the normal pain they feel in the affected joint. This is a positive reaction brought about by the reconstruction and healing occurring in the injured area.

Does PST have any side effects?
No. The signal produced by the machine reproduces the signal already naturally present in the body. Thousands of patients have received PST since its introduction, with absolutely no side effects.

How does PST work?
Researchers have discovered that when we place stress on a joint a low power electrical signal is created. They believe this natural signal tells the body to repair damaged or worn tissues and to maintain the health and proper functioning of the joint. Sometimes this signal is disrupted by disease, aging or injury. When that happens, the body is unable to repair the damage. The result is pain, inflammation, and loss of physical function. PST is able to mimic the body's natural signal, activating the normal healing process and stimulating the growth and repair of the damaged tissue.

What benefits do patients receive from PST treatment?
PST has been used successfully by prominent professional athletes, amateur athletes, seniors and other patients who have had their quality of life compromised by arthritis, sports-type injuries and repetitive stress injuries. It is irrelevant whether the patient is young or old or whether the defects result from age, injury, chronic degeneration or inflammatory disease. As shown through studies and the results of thousands of actual cases, approximately 80% of patients experience a reduction in pain and inflammation combined with an increase in physical function. Some patients are free of all symptoms following treatment. Others find their symptoms greatly reduced. Many patients are able to cut back on their pain medication or discontinue it altogether. Patients have reported being able to return to normal routine activities, and many are able to again participate in their favorite sports. The biggest benefit for many patients is the ability to avoid the expense, pain and inherent risks of surgery.